
Graeme Ross Cross Stitch Chart - Koala

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Quantity Available: 4
The Koala is not a bear... it is a quiet, slow moving marsupial. The baby is born when it is still not properly formed. It climbs up and into its mothers pouch where it stays for six months until it is big enough to start feeding itself.
Koalas are found only in certain species of eucalyptus trees in Australia. Eucalyptus oil is used to make cold cures. Both smell and taste of eucalyptus is very strong and pleasant. It is also excellent as an aid for removing some marks from fabric.
Design Size: 200 stitches high, 103 stitches wide  
Fabric Size: Working on 14 count: No less than 20.5" x 13.5" (52 cm x  34cm)
  Working on 18 count: No less than 17" x 12" ( 36cm x 30 cm)

 1991 Ross Originals