
Graeme Ross Cross Stitch Chart - Jabiru

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Quantity Available: 1

The Jabiru is one of Australia's most famous birds and may be seen on stretches of fresh water or salt-water creeks and mudflats. Although distributed widely across Northern Australia, it is particularly famous in Kakadu National Park where a mining township has been named after it.

It stalks gracefully through the shallows, chasing its prey, and will dash forwards with long strides, wings half flapping, stabbing repeatedly at a fish or frog until it is captured. It breeds during the wet season, usually from about May to October.

Design Size: 129 stitches high, 107stitches wide  
Fabric Size: Working on 10 count: No less than 19" x 17" (48 cm x 43 cm)
  Working on 14 count: No less than 16" x 14" (41 cm x 36 cm)
  Working on 16 count: No less than 14" x 13" (36 cm x 33 cm )
  Working on 18 count: No less than 13" x 12" (33 cm x 31 cm)

?? 1992 Ross Originals