
Graeme Ross Cross Stitch Chart - Heliconia

Chart Only


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Quantity Available: 8
Design Size: 232 stitches high, 160 stitches wide 14 count: 42.5 cm x 29.5 cm (17" x 11.5" )
    16 count: 37 cm x 25.5 cm (14.5" x 10" )
    18 count: 33 cm x 23 cm (13" x 9")
Fabric Size: Working on 14 count: No less than 23" x 18" (58 cm x 45 cm)
  Working on 16 count: No less than 21" x 16" (53 cm x 40 cm)
  Working on 18 count: No less than 19" x 15" (48 cm x 38 cm)

The family Heliconiaceae is sometimes included under Musaceae, the Banana family. Among the more striking plants of tropical areas are the Heliconias; large - sometimes gigantic - monocotyledonous perennials with simple stems often sheathed by the large, banana-like leaves.

The plants are especially popular in West Indian gardens but will succeed anywhere in the tropics given rich moist soil.

Our design, Heliconia bihai, is one of 80 in the species, most of which may be seen in full bloom at any time of the year in the Cairns area of Far North Queensland, Australia. They are ideal in indoor floral arrangements due to their exceptionally long lifespan as cut flowers.

This design was worked direct from the original bloom which grew in the gardens of the famous Sheraton Mirage Resort at Port Douglas.

?? 1994 Ross Originals