
Graeme Ross Cross Stitch Chart - Eastern Rosella

Chart Only


In Stock
Quantity Available: 5
Design Size: 152 stitches high, 112 stitches wide (14 count: 11" x 8" or approx. 28 cm x 20.5 cm)
    (16 count: 9.5" x 7" or approx. 24.5 cm x 18 cm)
    (18 count: 8.5" x 6.5" or approx. 21.5 cm x 16 cm)
Fabric Size: Working on 14 count: No less than 17" x 14" (43 cm x 35 cm)
  Working on 16 count: No less than 15" x 14" (38 cm x 35 cm)
  Working on 18 count: No less than 12" x 13" (31 cm x 33 cm)

About the Eastern Rosella

The Eastern Rosella is one of the most beautiful of the Australian native Rosellas. So many were sent to Europe and England in the past for breeding, however, that it has often been considered to be a European Bird. It feeds both in trees and on the ground on berries, various fruits and seeds of grasses. It is also a regular raider of orchards and cultivated crops. The usual nesting place would be a hollow tree, although it has also been known to nest in fence posts. Four to nine eggs are usually laid. The breeding season being September to January.

?? 1992 Ross Originals